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A Pawsum dad

Charly Punkin Peppurrz Mysti's picture
Submitted by Charly Punkin P... on Sun, 2015-01-11 04:43


Little Man McDonald's picture

I want a house like that!!! And I love that book title "All Cats Have Aspergers" hehe

Parker Prettykoshka's picture

I like how those cats can climb and look at the rooms from high places. I used to climb into the rafters (and onto the roof) when I lived in the shed, and I like sitting in high places in the house.

The last time I went to the farm, I had some help getting to sit on top of the closet door and the high window above the shower. I got up here on my own some of the time, and with help other times.


Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed