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Puff says Hi.

Breezy Belle's picture
Submitted by Breezy Belle on Wed, 2015-06-03 15:32

Puff was up early this morning to watch the wild bunny rabbits playing and hopping all over our yard. She is at our favorite viewing window.



Parker Prettykoshka's picture

The birds often wake me up before my human thinks it's time for breakfast. Especially this time of year.

Little Man McDonald's picture

You should tell your human to get birdie bait like seeds, put it on your windowsill, then NOMS!!

hello!! Kitty Kisses from Seshat

I am two years old, I like to sit in the bathroom sink , steal socks and sit on the curtain rods!!
I has a Baby Brofur named Kephri

Butler Prettycat's picture

I suppose watching is OK if you can't chase and hunt them. We were expected to hunt the animals around the farm.

Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed