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Mommy got us some Rubber Duckies for Summer Fun

Breezy Belle's picture
Submitted by Breezy Belle on Sat, 2015-06-06 22:28

Mommy just brought us home some toy rubber duckies to play with this summer. Tabu & Shadow will have their weekly baths (which they never like) and mommy will let them play with their duckies in the bath water. Mommy can never get a picture of them taking their baths because they both raise such a fuse. Mommy hopes these toy duckies will calm them down during bath time. Me and Blackberry & Tuffy have been looking over these new toys. They quack and look rather cute. What do you think?



Little Man McDonald's picture

Those are so cute Big Smile Meowmy has rubber duckies that she sings to in the tub too haha! I stay far away!

Parker Prettykoshka's picture

I've eaten real duck for my birthday sometimes. Smile And I've eaten birds the size of your rubber ducks Meow Out Loud

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