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Just too hot here!

Breezy Belle's picture
Submitted by Breezy Belle on Wed, 2015-06-10 16:24

Hi everyone. Breezy Belle here. It has been hot here for early June (93 & 94 F) and we kitties have been napping a lot. Mommy keeps the central air going all day but it still feels too warm in this mobile home! Hopefully it will start cooling off a little these next few days. How is everyone's summer? Has it been hot where you are? Sending my love, purrs and headbonkies to all my friends.



only in the 70's here, and dropping to the low 50's at night. but we are having bad thunder storms and heavy rain. still cold, gotta love the Buffalo NY mom says mol!!! she says it's never going to be summer here!! we don't have the air in yet, I don 't know what that means??? I is too little!! lubs you!! Kitty Kisses from Seshat

I am two years old, I like to sit in the bathroom sink , steal socks and sit on the curtain rods!!
I has a Baby Brofur named Kephri

Breezy Belle's picture

Mommy was raised on the west coast where the summers are usually cool (near Seattle, Washington and later Santa Cruz, California). She says she doubts she will ever get used to these very dry, hot western Montana summers.

Little Man McDonald's picture

I was born in Federal Way Big Smile It's been stinking hot here but meowmy has been keeping the air on high. It's been over 100 degrees! But it sure feels good sitting in the window Big Smile We were having loud thunder storms last week, scary stuff

Breezy Belle's picture

Looks like even western Washington has been hot!! Mommy's grandpa (papa) used to talk about how hot and dry the summers were in Eastern Washington and how cool and rainy they were in Western Washington. Mommy thinks the climate is changing everywhere.

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