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the mad

Seshat's picture
Submitted by Seshat on Fri, 2015-06-12 21:51

I has the MAD!! Mom took me to the vet man today. He held me down and they took my stitches out. They where going to leave them in and let them dissolve but they said I move to much and I am irritating them and making them bleed so he cut them out!! Him TOUCHED ME!! I am GODDESS!!! I hisses and growled and spit, and scratched and bit. I tried to BITE him, him tastes like chicken. I also hissed at BIG goggie. Kitty Kisses from Seshat

Parker Prettykoshka's picture

it isn't everyone who gets to touch you. Your typist gets to , and maybe some other people, but only when you say so.

I bet they closed doors so you running away was not an option.

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