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Breezy Belle's Wild West Trip this past Caturday

Breezy Belle's picture
Submitted by Breezy Belle on Mon, 2015-09-28 05:23

Breezy Belle would like to share some of the pictures from her wild west adventures this past Caturday. Breezy hopes everyone had a pawsome good weekend and she sends her love, kitty purrs and bonkies.



Little Man McDonald's picture

Looks like you had a good time, the wild west suits you Big Smile I plan on being at the party this weekend even if I have to nag hehe

Breezy Belle's picture

I was happy to be able to visit Victor, Idaho and Jackson Hole, Wyoming as these were the places where mommy's great grandfather had lots of adventures. When he carried the U.S. Mail into Jackson Hole he even met those old outlaws Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid face to face. Mommy heard a lot about this from her grandfather who was one of George Victor Sherwood's sons. I am looking forward to seeing you at goddess Seshat's first birthday party this next Caturday. The theme of her party will be Star Wars. I have not picked a character yet to dress up as. Any ideas my friend? Have a pawsome good day. Love, Breezy Belle

Little Man McDonald's picture

That is sooo cool that he met those guys! I think you should be princess Lea, you would look good with those braid things she had Big Smile Purrs and headbonks!

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