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Thoughts and Prayer August 7, 2015

Ruger and Tippi's picture
Submitted by Ruger and Tippi on Sat, 2015-08-08 05:11

It is bed time now.

Tonight we are sharing a painting of Prince Pan Pan by his favorite artist: It was created for Pan Pan and is simply titled "Prince Pan Pan" by artist Gina Stark

Mom is very tired so we are going to be brief with our thoughts; the loss of Prince Pan Pan, Baby Merry, LB, Daisy and others recently are a reminder of what Mom always says, that no matter how long a life is it, is never long enough. So pet, hug and kiss your furbabies and your human babies too. Appreciate those you love while they are here.

Time for our prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, please be with our family, friends and even strangers, be they humans and animals; please provide guidance and wisdom daily, and comfort, strength and courage when needed.
Please help the homeless, human and animal, they are alone all, and need your help to find safe, loving homes, with families to call their own.
Please help the lost find their way home, their families love and miss them so much; and please keep them safe until they are reunited.
Please comfort and strengthen those suffering illness and loss, our friend Patti Speed's boy Macy is ill and she is worried, but there are many more suffering illness and too many suffering loss, too many to name, but we know that you know who they are and we ask that you hold them and help them through their illness and loss.
Please help those suffering other difficulties, please help those with financial difficulties, maybe they have lost their job or have unexpected bills, help them please.
Please help those with emotional or mental illness, they are suffering deep within themselves. Please hold them and help them through their struggles. Please give them what they need to overcome their difficulties, whatever they may be.
Thank you for the kind and compassionate humans that work daily to help others; they make do make a difference and we are grateful for their efforts.
Thank you for the men and women in uniform, military and local police. We also thank you for the firefighters that are working hard to put out the many wildfires this summer. They all are risking their lives so that others are safe.
Thank you for those we love and that loves us back; and thank you too for everything we have, because others have much less. We know we are blessed.
Father, with gentleness, please teach us humility, patience, compassion, understanding and tolerance; and please help us to be less judgmental. Help us to remember that no one of us is perfect.
Please forgive us when we offend and help us to be more forgiving towards those that offend us.
Most importantly, we ask for more true love, the love that never fails, the love that heals the spirit, the love that makes all beauty, goodness and light possible. AMEN.

We are off to bet now, we wish you a good night's sleep and dreams of sweet and beautiful things. Then when you wake, remember to stretch like a cat and greet the day with a smile. A smile is the best part of you showing through. Remember smiles are contagious, so go forth and contaminate as many as you can.

Praying for you always.

Love you bunches.

Tippi & Ruger & Mom.


Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed