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Friendly's picture
Submitted by Friendly on Tue, 2015-09-01 00:00

Here are the kittydays and observances for September.

All month: Happy Cat Month
All month: Eat Chicken Month
14 September: National Pet Memorial Day
28 September: World Rabies Day


New sources tell me that the 1st is Ginger Cat Appreciation Day.

I hope they mean that in the sense of orange, rather than some of the other senses that word has had over the years.

Breezy Belle's picture

September is a busy month here. I, Breezy Belle, will be 5 years old on September 18th and my sissy fur Puff will be 7 years old on September 20th. My human mommy will be 70 on September 14th and my human daddy will be 71 on September 13th. When daddy turned 13 on Friday the 13th back in Ohio he lived at 1313 Golden Ave. Lucky 13, right?

Butler Prettycat's picture

And now he has a black or almost black cat. Smile

My human lived at a couple of places in the 1300 block, and had an office phone that ended in 13.

Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed