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HAPPY SEPTEMBER from Breezy Belle.

Breezy Belle's picture
Submitted by Breezy Belle on Wed, 2015-09-02 22:58

Summer is almost over now and nearly all the human children have gone back to school. Hope all my furriends will have a wonderful September. It has cooled off here and a few nearby towns even had a light frost. Mommy says that soon now the frost will be on the pumpkins and the Fall Holidays and events will be here in no time. I am hoping to be able to attend Zoo Day this next Caturday and mommy said I can wear a summer outfit one more time before the end of the summer season. I picked out a pink & white outfit and wanted to post a picture of it here to share on Aimable Cats. Love & kitty purrs from Breezy Belle



Parker Prettykoshka's picture

Wow, frost? It's one of the hottest weeks of the summer here this week. We're staying inside with all the aircon on. The windows that were open last week have been closed again.

Breezy Belle's picture

Mommy never has much of a garden here because the growing season is so very short. She misses the great gardens she once had in Santa Cruz, California and in Williamsburg, Kentucky. Butte, Montana is much worse than Missoula. It got down to -20 degrees (F) the end of October there in the early 1990's and one August 20th they actually got 10 inches of snow there!! Mommy does not like Butte.

Parker Prettykoshka's picture

My human spent some summers up in Grand Forks, Dakota, a few years back. There was officially a trace of snow early one August when hail fell at the weather office. One July the newspaper said that the birds were preparing to go south for the winter already.

Little Man McDonald's picture

Wow, crazy! I'm so glad the smoke is clearing up, we can actually see blue sky again! I hope the frost waits a little more here, we still have lots of tomatoes waiting to ripen. But the pumpkins are looking good for halloween Big Smile

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