I jumped from the refrigerator to the china cabinet. Mom says it is about five feet.
I have skills.

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I jumped from the refrigerator to the china cabinet. Mom says it is about five feet.
I have skills.
how do you get up on the Fridge? I usually get up there by jumping on the stove. Sometime's I'll go from the window to the top of the cubbard over the stove to the fridge.
Here you can see the window at the left, the cubbard over the stove, and the fridge at right.
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Stove Jump
The stove is next to the fridge, I climb on the stove and then jump on to the fridge and then over to the china cabinet.
That is why, when Mom and Grandma are gone, they don't let us roam the house, we usually have to stay in the bedroom. But maybe now they will let us stay out and maybe take the knobs off the stove top.
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who's that on the cat calendar on the front of the fridge ?
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Cat on Calendar
That is Hunter of Facebook's Hunter and Friends page. Mom is Facebook friends with his mom.
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Hunter and Friends have an account here, but they don't do much with it.
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Well done
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