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Binx's picture
Submitted by Binx on Sun, 2016-04-17 03:54

I got to high places this Caturday.

I was running down the hall when Parker's human found me and picked me up. Instead of putting me down, he put me up on the shelf. I made it over to look at the doggequin and nibble at the plant, but then I found my way down by climbing down the cat tree in the corner.

cat on shelf
cat on a shelf
cat on a shelf with head hanging down


Parker Prettykoshka's picture

sometimes he'll put me on the shelf, but more often I jump up. Big Smile

Sometimes he needs to bend over first so I can jump on his back Meow Out Loud

(I was waiting for him when I typed just now)


I ususually usue the cat tree in the corner when Ranger's not on it like he was in this picture

Little Man McDonald's picture

I don't have many high places to hide, just on the highest shelf on our kitty tree Big Smile

Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed