Thank you Butler Prettycat

Breezy Belle's picture
Submitted by Breezy Belle on Wed, 2015-04-15 07:11

Tuffy here. Thank you for the lovely Birthday Cake Butler Prettycat. It was just purrfect and very yummy. It was the best present ever. I had a great day and now I am getting very sleepy so I will be off to bed. Nighty night dear friend. Love & purrs from Tuffy


Good news!

Mika's picture
Submitted by Mika on Mon, 2015-04-13 12:05

Hi everyone! We got some good news. After not having seen Bossy for 3 weeks (neighbour hadn't seen him either and people spoke about a black cat run over by a car not far from here!!) and fearing the worst, neighbour told Mummy he was next door to come and eat a bit a few days ago!! YEAH!!!! Bossy is still alive!! Mummy and I sooooooo want to see him too!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

Bro Fur Tuffy will be 7 years old on April 14.

Breezy Belle's picture
Submitted by Breezy Belle on Fri, 2015-04-10 20:52

My bro fur Tuffy is looking forward to his 7th Birthday on April 14, 2015. He told mommy he wants lots of tuna and catnip on that day and maybe a surprise or two. Bro fur Tuffy has a challenging life being the only male cat in a family of nine kitties (8 females and 1 male).


Breezy Belle sends her love, Purrs & Bonkies to all her friends.

Breezy Belle's picture
Submitted by Breezy Belle on Tue, 2015-04-07 22:40

Hope everyone is having a great springtime. We have been enjoying watching the birds, wild bunnies and squirrels from our windows. We had a little rain and snow yesterday but all is sunny and warm today.



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