Thoughts for August 11, 2015

Ruger and Tippi's picture
Submitted by Ruger and Tippi on Wed, 2015-08-12 05:02

It is that time again, time to close our eyes, at least until about 3 AM, then it is time to zoom zoom...Mom is giving us that look, so maybe no zoom zoom tonight. ((SIGH)) ((wink, wink))

Tonight's painting is "Cat and Vase" by Mischa Askenazy and can be found in the Gallery Additions - August 7, 2015 over at Prince Pan Pan's Royal Art Gallery.

To knock the vase off the table or not to knock it off, that is the question...we say, knock it off.


Cat's Life Lesson # 1

Ruger and Tippi's picture
Submitted by Ruger and Tippi on Mon, 2015-08-10 05:06

And here is a Savage Chicken; this one is titled "Cat's Life Lesson #1" And we most definitely agree with this life lesson.

Yes we know the comics are called Savage Chickens, but he sometimes posts funnies about cats. Must know a cat lover.


Breezy Belle had a fun day being a kitty pirate

Breezy Belle's picture
Submitted by Breezy Belle on Sun, 2015-08-09 20:38

Hi furriends. I had lots of fun and adventures yesterday being a kitty pirate. Me and Little Man even found a Big Treasure Chest full of goodies and pirate coins. I got to ride on several pirate ships and I got to go to a kitty pirate party at the Pirate Cove Restaurant yesterday evening. I even got a brand new pirate hat. I am still a little tired from my busy day as a pirate. Hope you all had a pawsome good Caturday. Love and Purrs from Breezy Belle


Thoughts and Prayer for August 8, 2015

Ruger and Tippi's picture
Submitted by Ruger and Tippi on Sun, 2015-08-09 05:11

Time for bed and we have a busy day tomorrow.

Tonight's painting is by Mike Theuer and is in the Gallery Additions - August 7, 2015 exhibit album in Prince Pan Pan's Royal Art Gallery​. and Prince Pippin who now manages the gallery dedicated its display to Baby Merry of The Daily Pippin​ clan.

The thoughts tonight is simply this: Always remember you are special, there is no one else like you, and we mean that for both our human and our furple friends. We love our friends, no matter what species or color.


Thoughts and Prayer August 7, 2015

Ruger and Tippi's picture
Submitted by Ruger and Tippi on Sat, 2015-08-08 05:11

It is bed time now.

Tonight we are sharing a painting of Prince Pan Pan by his favorite artist: It was created for Pan Pan and is simply titled "Prince Pan Pan" by artist Gina Stark

Mom is very tired so we are going to be brief with our thoughts; the loss of Prince Pan Pan, Baby Merry, LB, Daisy and others recently are a reminder of what Mom always says, that no matter how long a life is it, is never long enough. So pet, hug and kiss your furbabies and your human babies too. Appreciate those you love while they are here.

Time for our prayer:



Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed

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