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Ruger and Tippi's picture
Submitted by Ruger and Tippi on Fri, 2015-09-04 17:01

Can you see it? Mom wouldn't let us play with it.



I like to chase bugs too!! I is getting one here!! Kitty Kisses from Seshat


I am two years old, I like to sit in the bathroom sink , steal socks and sit on the curtain rods!!
I has a Baby Brofur named Kephri

Ruger and Tippi's picture

Did your human let you keep it? That would be great, our human never lets us keep the bugs, we also have a lizard in the yard, we named the lizard Maurice, but Mom won't let us play with it either.

Ruger and Tippi's picture

Yes it is a mantis, it was the first one we have seen. It got in the house and we were playing with it, but Mom took it away from us and let it go outside.

Little Man McDonald's picture

They're so pretty Big Smile There was a big one on the front door that stood it's ground against one of the strays hehe, stood up all agressive when the kitty got too close

Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed