Tippi Stretching

Ruger and Tippi's picture
Submitted by Ruger and Tippi on Fri, 2016-07-15 19:36


For those of you that don't know, Ruger and me have a catio that we get to spend time in on the good days. During the summer we can only stay out for four or five hours, because it gets so hot here in Central California.

Anyway, here is a photo of me in the catio, taking a long stretch after a nap.

Love you bunches,




Butler Prettycat's picture
Submitted by Butler Prettycat on Mon, 2016-07-11 15:34

The first thing to consider would be location. How far away from where you are is the office? If the vets are the best in the country but it's a two hour drive to get there, you might want to consider something closer. On the other hand, if the best vet in the country is only a 45 minute drive away, or the only vet in the county is a 45 minute drive, it might be worth the trip.

Choosing a Veterinarian

Friendly's picture
Submitted by Friendly on Sun, 2016-07-10 18:13

This series of posts is on questions to consider when choosing a veterinarian. If you have a vet you and your humans like, you don't need to change. But when you do change (for whatever reason, including you or the vet moving to a new area), these are some things to consider and tips on how to find a vet who is a good fit.


Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed

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